Good Ideas: #EdTechCalNYNJ

Tuesday, April 14, 20158:56 PM

I was sad to miss the first Twitter hashtag chat for #EduAfterHours last Thursday. I follow all of the moderators and like what they have to say but I play frisbee on Thursday nights so I couldn't make it. I was thrilled to leave my game to a barrage of notifications for mentions, even though I wasn't there. I eagerly caught up on the chat and stumbled upon a million dollar idea:

@MissRaskin happens to be my best friend Dani, a wonderful Social Studies / Special Ed Teacher, and I thought her idea was a great one.

We've spent so much time researching conferences, professional development opportunities, and #edcamp schedules. Why isn't there one resource for all things #edtech in the area? It seems so simple.

One calendar. One site. Crowdsourced, collaborative, and public. And so, we made one...


At the least, it's a great resource for my #PLN and me. A place to track upcoming events and find new opportunities for growth and training. I hope it can become a resource for others, too. Check it out if you're interested and please add events. I'd love any feedback or insights to help improve.

Tomorrow, I'll write about my workflow to build the site, automate the calendar merge, and recognize collaborators. And I'll hopefully talk about my students' awesome Video Argument Essays and what I've taken away from the experience. As always, thanks for reading.

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