Proposing Genius: Pitching Our #GeniusHour #GenreGenius Projects

Tuesday, April 25, 20172:17 PM

The time has come to propose out genius.

This week, my students pitched their #GeniusHour projects to the class. After weeks of research and reading, blogging, and a written proposal, they stood up in class (in front of an open elevator image on the board) and told us about their passion, projects, and ideas.

Looking back, I’m envisioning our work in quarters. To start, students brainstorm and research. Their writing is exploratory and open at this point. Then, students begin to narrow their ideas and begin to craft a plan in quarter two. About halfway through, students plans become proposals as they make their goals and outcomes concrete. Then comes the fun part: the ideation, creation, and presentation of genius. All in all, this year’s work will span about four months. Right now, we’re nearing quarter three.

Our ideas have become real.

For more great reading about our work with #GeniusHour and #GenreGenius, click here.

Below, find links to students blogs, which should be home to four posts and a proposal so far. We have at least 2-3 more posts planned before the end, which will include more reflection, a synthesis of research, and links to the actual projects.

Throughout #GeniusHour, I always push my students to find experts to help guide their learning. Often, we do this with social media. This year, though, with our focus on genre and stories, it’s a little harder; it will take a little more planning to make meaningful. In the meantime, I’ll be sharing my students’ blogs with the world and asking you, faithful reader, for comments, feedback, and ideas.

Help my students learn and grow. Suggest reading and ideas for their work. Share their blogs with your students, teacher friends, and PLNs. Thanks in advance for your support and guidance.

I always tell my students that all of us are smarter than one of us, and in the authentic work of #GeniusHour, it’s always rewarding to expose them to the power of being connected, of following your passions, and of creation.

Find our #GenreGenius work at

How do you help students develop and share work for authentic audiences? How can I make the sharing of our #GeniusHour work more meaningful? Please share your thoughts in the comments or on Twitter @MrSchoenbart.

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